Please everyone save the following words from Hoff of, well, poignant scincerity for a time when you can sit back, open a fine bottle of Cabernet, and have a good cry because my boy really opens up.
August 30, 2006
Last night was a sad night indeed when we lost possibly my all-time favorite Eagles superstar due to the vagaries of the production parameters of this fragmenting of the audience to the cable television, carnivals, water parks...well, let's face it, Koy got canned b/c he didn't move his arms when he danced!
I tried (unsuccessfully I might add) to explain to my Eagles fan coworkers how and why Captain Neckbeard was my all-time favorite Eagle. Even the anecdote about his travelling/hygiene habits didn't sway them. You know, come to think of it, I'm starting to doubt whether you could squeeze even one ounce of human deceny from the whole lot of em. Let's just move on.
On a lighter note, the one guy w/ legs the same size as mine will finally no longer be wearing an Eagles jersey(Todd Pinkston). Let's face it, I love the Eagles more than almost anyone you'll ever meet and I don't want legs like mine playing for my squad. That is all. Pell, fix your misspellings on your damn blog.
Jeff "Hey Alonzo, I heard you suck almost as much as your blog" Evans
(The preceding was edited by Hells Pells Media Inc.)