Monday, January 22, 2007

I don't have much to say these days. My NFL predictions were all trash. I guess I better admit to that, but in all fairness I hate New Orleans forever now. Perhaps those two ideas aren't connected, but suffice to say, I'm glad the Saints lost to the Chicago Bears. The above picture pretty much sums up my thoughts on the entire city of New Orleans right now. May they fester and rot in their own fetid corruption for the rest of eternity. Jesus little baby, I may be losing my head here. But I do take solace in the disappointment that all those bubble gum chewing college football fans who tuned into the games this weekend just to watch the Saints make a good story must feel right now.
Anyhow, speaking of retards, check this out: It's brought to us by one Irish McNasty.


At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pell, you're suspect. It's clear your blogging career is in the toilet. Yeah, it started out well but what have you done for us lately? You're screening calls, rarely returning emails, I think it's time for a change. Like when Kramer had the old Merv Griffin set in his apartment and decided to shake it up w/ his scandals segment. Or perhaps it's time for a guest host (you'll probably pretend you didn't hear that). How about a mailbag where your faithful readers, all 6 of us, can write in and send you questions? Such as, "Pell, is your lack of creativity and recent blogging a direct result of your impending fear of the wily Frenchman getting his doctorate in journalism before you?" Or we could always just use this site to bash Evans repeatedly.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pell, you're suspect. It's clear your blogging career is in the toilet. Yeah, it started out well but what have you done for us lately? You're screening calls, rarely returning emails, I think it's time for a change. Like when Kramer had the old Merv Griffin set in his apartment and decided to shake it up w/ his scandals segment. Or perhaps it's time for a guest host (you'll probably pretend you didn't hear that). How about a mailbag where your faithful readers, all 6 of us, can write in and send you questions? Such as, "Pell, is your lack of creativity and recent blogging a direct result of your impending fear of the wily Frenchman getting his doctorate in journalism before you?" Or we could always just use this site to bash Evans repeatedly.


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